Do you have aches and pains keeping you from playing the game of golf that you love? Are you now only playing 9 holes because it’s too tough to play the full 18 holes? Is your conversation on the golf course focused on what part of your body is hurting instead of focused on winning the final hole with 3 presses on the line? Can you get through a round of golf but the next day you are barely able to walk because of how stiff and sore you feel? As an avid golfer myself, I have heard and seen how these problems can affect your golf game. One thing I know about golfers is they love to play the game and will do whatever it takes to keep getting out on the course.
Did you know there are health care providers specifically trained in connecting how the body functions in relation to the golf swing? Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) has been the world’s leading educational organization in the golf industry evidenced by 25 of the top 30 golfers in the world being advised by a TPI certified expert. TPI discovered how a properly functioning body allows a player to swing a golf club in the most efficient way possible. Additionally, TPI has analyzed how physical limitations in a player’s body can adversely affect the golf swing and lead to injury. My mission is to educate the golf playing public on the importance of the body and how it relates to the golf swing.
How does it work? First, it is important to understand that as a certified TPI expert I will NOT try to teach you one specific way to swing the golf club. In fact, I believe that the most efficient swing is not the same for every golfer because efficiency is unique to your body. To achieve the most efficient swing for your body, you must first be screened. This screen involves an assessment of swing mechanics and biomechanics, physical fitness, movement quality, and health history. The screen supports the philosophy of TPI experts that there are an infinite number of ways to swing a club, not just one. But there is one efficient way for you to swing and it is based off of what you can physically do.
Once the screen is finished, the results are used to create a plan unique for you. The plan may include fitness training, physical therapy and treatment, coaching of swing mechanics and biomechanics, nutrition, or a combination of all of the above.
How do you find the right TPI expert? Any TPI expert may be able to help you but not all TPI certified experts are the same. There are multiple levels of certification within TPI and specific levels that are reserved only for qualified medical practitioners. These are the true ‘Golf Doctors’ that dive deeper into finding not just the source but also the cause of your limitations. Specifically, these are TPI Medical Level 2 providers. These are the ones I would recommend if you are experiencing any pain before, during, or after a round of golf.
Also, I believe, it’s important to find a TPI expert who enjoys and plays the game of golf well. Have you ever found it difficult to hear from a physician that you need to eat better and exercise more when it may appear they are not practicing those recommendations? In a similar way, do you want a TPI expert teaching you the body swing connection as they slice it 40 yards right with an unorthodox over-the-top swing? I believe there is a connection that can be made when someone practices what they preach in regard to golf performance and rehabilitation.
As a TPI Medical Level 2 Certified Provider and a current 5 handicap, I have the opportunity to combine my passion for helping people reduce pain and my love of golf. I have implemented many of the TPI trainings that are specific to bettering my own ability to play golf without pain, increasing my swing speed, and ensuring my body allows me to continue playing for 20+ more years. I want the same for you. Call 214-998-9904 today to have a conversation with me and see if I can be your ‘Golf Doctor’.